Manufacturers & Exporters across Canada are saddened about the devastation by raging forest fire

Manufacturers & Exporters across Canada are saddened about the devastation by raging forest fires in Fort McMurray. Our hearts go out to those who are affected by this terrible fire – families, workers, companies, and communities. Many of CME’s members have been affected by this tragedy.
We at CME will be making a monetary donation to the Canadian Red Cross and I know that you and our members will be doing likewise. Corporate donations will be welcomed by the Red Cross, but the federal and Alberta governments will only be matching donations from individuals. We will be urging the governments to expand their support to match corporate donations as well.
A number of members have also enquired about making in-kind donations. The Red Cross has advised us that such donations are very complex and logistically challenging to operationalize, so, at this point, direct financial contributions are the best way to support.
On behalf of CME and our members - a special thank you to everyone who is working around the clock to help those impacted.
Please show your support by donating to the Canadian Red Cross at
Thank you.
Jayson Myers
President & CEO
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters